Good Luck Finding Your Way Out of This Challenging Maze Print
A love of mazes never goes away. It’s an easily understood concept that always has the potential to stump you. As a child, you adore them as a test of will and determination, whether on a kids menu or a legitimate one at a local fair. As an adult, it keeps your mind spry and allows you the chance to relive the spirited and youthful challenge of escape. But rarely do mazes come as slick as the Stellavie’s maze print.
Stellavie is a non-nonsense, independent, and creatively led, multidisciplinary design studio and manufacturer from Hamburg Germany. The studio specializes in paper prints because their team appreciates numbering and signing edition prints. Stellavie’s Steffen and Viktoria worked “crazy hours” on their latest long-time passion project, a labyrinth beauty.
“We have worked crazy hours lately on yet another long-time passion project and developed a truly challenging maze print. No algorithms used, everything drawn by hand, digitized and silkscreen printed.”
The braided maze print is inspired by the work of “the most fascinating maze enthusiasts of the last century. Purposefully “incredibly hard to solve,” with multiple loops forcing the escapee to doubt their history of moves, the maze allows to ways to be solved.
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