Sunday, November 6, 2016

New Contenders Join Mozilla’s Grand Experiment in Logo Design

MOZILLA IS ON the prowl for a new logo, and now has four new contenders. They include a serif-ed play on http urls, a fireworks-like set of cogs, a flame, and an abstracted dinosaur face, with the “o” in Mozilla for an eye.
These designs represent the third stage of a four-part process that started in June. That’s when the open-source software company announced it would conduct its rebranding in public, online. Branding almost always happens behind closed doors, but Mozilla wanted a more inclusive approach. So it hired London firm Johnson Banks and asked its designers to publish its various unfinished ideas for the new logo online, where commenters could weigh in on the designs.
By inviting feedback from the public, Mozilla hopes to preempt the circus of criticism that usually follows a logo refresh. “Honestly, in today’s world, more than 50 percent of people usually say they hate new logos,” said creative director Tim Murray, when we spoke to him last month. “We thought: Well, let’s give people a chance to participate earlier on.”
It seems Mozilla is really listening. Since last month, it’s trimmed and refined its original seven concepts to these four new ones. In a blog post, Murray acknowledges the public’s confusion over certain complicated logos, and its affection for dinosaur-themed ones. At a glance, it would also appear that between public feedback and internal review, Mozilla is now targeting a simpler, flatter logo for its final look.
If you agree with that, let Mozilla and friends know. If you don’t agree, then definitely say so. Seriously, they want you to.


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